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The Funniest Cars In The World

With so many car models being produced nowadays, it can be hard to pay the proper homage to some of the classic cars, and the ones that made us laugh thanks to their designs. A lot of these designs have been inspirational, despite their shortcomings.


In this list, we’ll go over some of the funniest looking cars. These cars look plain weird and leave us confused as to what was going through the designer’s minds at the time. Here are 10 of them.

This is the perfect one to start out the list because it doesn’t have any doors whatsoever. The car was created by Norman E. Timbs and is named after him. He was one of the most influential engineers of the 1940s, and he was responsible for many automotive projects, mostly for Tucker Automobiles.


This project took him over three years to complete. This car is known as one of the most streamlined cars ever created, and its swooshing effect will be humorous to some. Since it has a long nose and doesn’t have any doors, it definitely belongs on this list.

This design could certainly give the Volkswagen Bus a run for its money. It was designed by William Bushnell Scout in the 1930s after he envisioned an office on wheels. It was an admirable attempt, but it didn’t land quite as efficiently. It’s also the first recorded minivan to ever hit the market, making it an icon in its own right.


Unlike any other model in its time, it features a stout nose and a very long wheel-base to utilize its accessibility range. This model didn’t see mass production, with only a dozen of these ever hitting the streets

Surprised to see a Bugatti on the list? We know, it’s hard not to picture models like the Chiron when the name is brought up. But they are also responsible for one of the funniest looking cars to ever hit the market.


They produce a ton of models, so they were bound to make a funky one, but this car still lives up to the Bugatti quality for what it’s worth. Many cars come with the same name or variations of it. Think the 57t, 57c, and even the 57c Tank for examples. The aerolite featured a very prominent swoosh design that made the car a trendsetter.

This started off as a concept car in 1951. This design was reported to be inspired by an aircraft, complete with the warp around the windshield and the tail fins that became iconic throughout the ’50s and ’60s. At the time, this was nowhere near a funny look, and almost every automobile on the streets looked just like this model in some way.


Many people make it a point to restore cars of this model, and they can be pretty expensive in today’s market. The GM LeSabre saw mass production, and it remains a sought after car despite its now funny appearance due to modern-day styles.

Ford had to make this list somehow, and it did with the 1932 Speedster. The look is directly influenced by Ford himself, making it iconic. It made absolutely no sense to anyone around, even in its own time period. This was because of the split point windscreen that many found inconvenient back then, seeing how it even pointed downward.


Bootleggers like Al Capone himself drove this car, and it fetches nearly a million dollars at auction whenever the model goes on the block. Today, it’s still considered one of the funniest looking cars ever made.

You look at this car and think, “Does Mr. Bean own this?” We wouldn’t put it past him. It is kinda cute though. Just imagine that little one-seater at the red-light next to you, teasing the gas trying to persuade you to race it. It was mass-produced by the Peel company from 1962-65, and it was a hit in western Europe.


It holds the Guinness World Records title as the Smallest Car Ever Produced. The three-wheel placement really sells this car as a funny looking model, and we can see how it could be hard to get in and out of it.

This is hands down one of the funniest looking cars to ever be produced. The only real fans of this car nowadays are the hardcore classic lovers, and we can see how the car could leave an impression on them. It was a prototype of a post-WWII sports car, and the steering mechanisms are modeled after flight controls.


The designer, Gordon Buehrig, made sure to include a T-top roof, which made it the first car ever to feature it. The car didn’t make much sense for anyone back then, and it still leaves many scratching their heads in confusion today.

Putting one of these models on the list and discarding the other two would be a crime. The inspiration behind the car was clearly a jet, and with each passing model, it seems like they forgot they were even building a car.


It looks like a jet that is permanently grounded, and the third model features seven fins on the rear of the car, with the first model looking like a straight-up rocket. It was funny back then, and thinking about seeing this roll through town beside you would certainly bring a hefty chuckle to you. General Motors released these models in ‘53, ‘56, and 1959.

This is one of the funniest looking cars that was ever produced, but we have to admit it does look really cool. Was it inspired by a spaceship? We don’t know… but we do know that the designers wanted the car to be more “aerodynamic,” which brings up a slew of questions that we would like answered.


This car design never quite took off (no pun intended) and we can see why. Many still see this as an oddly shaped car. It may be a good thing that the design wasn’t that popular as we really didn’t need that type of flying car back then

We aren’t lying to you, this was an actual design from Ferrari in the 1970s. It landed somewhat well with people back in the day with the market knowing that the Ferrari quality would be there despite the funky design.


Although it has its odd qualities, we can see why it gained the success that it did. Nowadays the model would stick out like a sore thumb, with some people asking you if you are there to help save the galaxy, or is something you would find on an ‘80s Guardians Of The Galaxy set. This model doesn’t come cheap, but old Ferrari models seldom do.

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